征稿启事 | 2025北大汇丰智库论坛——新形势下中国经济平衡发展的挑战与对策
通知公告 · 2025-03-04 09:14
返回征稿启事CALL FOR PAPERS2025北大汇丰智库论坛PHBS Thinktank Conference 2025“新形势下中国经济平衡发展的挑战与对策”"New Challenges and Options for China’s Balanced Economic Development"北京大学汇丰商学院智库与政策研究期刊China Economic Journal 将合作举办“2025北大汇丰智库论坛”。现诚邀学者专家们投稿理论及实证论文,为中国经济高质量发展建言献策,会议将尤其关注具有政策意义的研究。Peking University HSBC ...

PHBS Thinktank Conference 2025
"New Challenges and Options for China’s Balanced Economic Development"
北京大学汇丰商学院智库与政策研究期刊China Economic Journal 将合作举办“2025北大汇丰智库论坛”。现诚邀学者专家们投稿理论及实证论文,为中国经济高质量发展建言献策,会议将尤其关注具有政策意义的研究。
Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) and the China Economic Journal (CEJ) will hold the "PHBS Thinktank Conference 2025" in Shenzhen on June 21, 2025, with the theme "New Challenges and Options for China’s Balanced Economic Development." The conference will bring together renowned researchers to present their latest theoretical and empirical research, particularly those with strong policy implications.
Papers are invited on, but not limited to, the following topics related to the Chinese economy
1 如何提振中国商品与服务的消费
- How to increase consumption of goods and services in China
2 社会保障体系与家庭消费
- Social insurance systems and household consumption
3 收入分配与个人消费
- Income distribution and private consumption
4 公共产品与服务的消费
- Public consumption of goods and services
5 促进新型与高质量服务发展的政策
- Policies to promote new and high-quality services
6 教育不平等与人力资本积累
- Education inequality and human capital accumulation
7 社会保障、养老金改革、医疗、扶贫与平衡发展
- Social security, pension reforms, health care, poverty relief and balanced development
8 人工智能与自动化在中国产业和就业政策中的作用
- The role of AI and Automation in China’s industrial and employment policies
9 未来就业趋势与提高青年就业率的政策
- The future of employment and policies to increase the youth employment rate
10 国有企业和民营企业的平衡发展
- Balanced development of SOE and private enterprises
11 贸易平衡、外国直接投资、贸易限制与国际关系
- Trade balance, FDI, trade restrictions and international relationship
12 数字经济、供应链与可持续发展
- Digital economy, supply chains and sustainable development
13 劳动力市场与劳动力占总收入的份额
- Labor market and labor share of total income
Conference paper submission
Please submit full papers (title, author, abstract and main text) through online portal at https://english.phbs.pku.edu.cn/ptc/
April 30 2025: Conference submission deadline
May 15 2025: Notification of decision
June 21 2025:Onsite Conference
2025年6月30日至2025年8月30日:China Economic Journal投稿
June 30 2025 - Aug 30 2025: China Economic Journal submission
Journal special issue
我们诚邀与会者将会议论文投向China Economic Journal 特刊。在线提交系统将于2025年6月30日至2025年8月30日开放。所有提交给特刊的稿件不得考虑在任何其他期刊上发表,并应遵循CEJ的作者须知。请将您的论文提交至编辑助理Irene Lu女士,邮箱为ccercej@nsd.pku.edu.cn,并在邮件主题中注明“PHBS-CEJ特刊”。
We welcome the conference papers for a special issue at China Economic Journal (https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rcej20). The online submission system will be opened from June 30 2025 to August 30 2025. All submissions to the special issue must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal and should follow the “Instructions for Authors” of China Economic Journal. Please submit your paper to editorial assistant Ms Irene Lu at ccercej@nsd.pku.edu.cn indicating PHBS-CEJ special issue on your subject.
Fee, travel and accommodation
There is NO registration fee for attending the conference. The host will cover the meals. Participants need only to cover their own cost of transportation and accommodation.
Confirmed invited speakers
李实: 浙江大学文科资深教授、浙江大学共享与发展研究院院长